Changes from 0.3.0 to 0.3.1: ## Gamplay Changes ## - 0.3.0 or older savefiles not compatible. - Breaks graphic support. Graphics can still be turned on, BUT the .prf files are totally out of sync with the actual monster/item lists. Will be repaired in a future version. # Races/Classes # - Two new races - rattikin, who have very high dex and good int but low str and charisma, and are innately resistant to disease, and Felpurr, a feline race with decent stats and innate luck. Both were inspired by the game Wizardry 7. - New class flag, "INFLUENCE", given to bards. This flag makes status-affecting spells (confuse, sleep, calm), etc, more powerful. - The mystic's POWER flag no longer increases the beaming chances of spells. Note that the priest spell "orb of draining" is no longer affected by this spell. # Stat/abilities # - Temporary resist disease is now cumulative with normal resist disease - like the basic resists and resist poison. # Combat # - Changed the way monster saving throws for "status-altering" spells (confusion, sleep, etc.) work, usually in favor of the player. Now these spells have a chance on working on all monsters not immune to these spells, even deep ones (but not a very high chance in most cases). - Damage calculations for several breath types changed: - Disease, Nexus, Sound, Shards, Mana, Plasma and Time breathes made more powerful. - Chaos and gravity made slightly less powerful. - Changed the way polymorph monsters are chosen so that higher level characters are more likely to get benificial polymorphs (though it's still risky). # Interface # - Changes to how experience is displayed in monster memory - it now appears in orange, and the fraction will no longer appear unless needed. - The various knowledge "browsers" now support page-up and page-down (actually the diagonals). # Items # - Item added : Powder of Transforming (Polymorph), Silver DSM, Time DSM, Shadow DSM, Spirit DSM, Scrolls of Curse Equipment, *Curse Equipment*, Amulets of Fortune. - Items removed: Mushrooms of stupidity, naivity, unhealth, cure blindness and cure paranoia, Pseudo DSM, Balance DSM, Law DSM, scrolls of curse weapon, curse armor, monster confusing, Amulets of Adornment. - New item flag: LUCK, which increases the chance of finding good objects. It has been added to several artifacts, and can be found on ego-items that give a random ability, in addition to the new amulets of fortune. - DSMs made shallower and more common. They also were all made more powerful; most now grant immunity to fear (except the ones that grant invisibility), the activation recharge time has been shortened considerably, and the damage done is now increased with character level. - Ego items depths/rarities reworked. - 'Defender' Weapons no longer grant a stealth bonus or a random sustain. Instead, they all sustain dexterity and constitution and grant a random resist. - Changed mushroom colors to match mushroom patch colors (mostly). Also made them slightly rarer, but they will now be dropped sometimes by mushroom patches. - Strengthened various wands and talismans. - Potion of lose memories renamed potions of lose life levels. - Several items changed rarities/depths and costs. # Monsters # - Monsters added: Baby silver dragon, Young silver dragon, Mature silver dragon, Ancient silver dragon, Great Fragment Wyrm, Time Drake, Grand Wyrm of Time, Spirit Drake, Spirit dragon, White Dragon bat, Giant Silver Dragon Fly, Elder Vampire, Corruption Vortex, book mimic. - Monsters removed: Pseudo-dragon, law drake, balance drake, crystal dragon, death drake, Great Wyrm of Law, Great Wyrm of Balance, Giant White Dragon Fly, Little Old Lady, Dagashi, Metallic Green Centipede, 4-headed Hydra, clear ant. - Monsters renamed: Great Gold Wyrm -> Great Thunder Wyrm, Great bronze wyrm -> Great Perplexity Wyrm, Great Wyrm of Chaos -> Grand Wyrm of Chaos, Great Wyrm of Many Colors -> Grand Wyrm of Many Colors, were-rat -> rattikin. - The COMPANION flag has been changed so that it will allow more than one companion; however, it now requires that the companions also have the COMPANION flag. Tom, Bill and Bert the trolls now also have this flag. - Smeagol is now a lot more powerful but might drop a great item (from JLE patch). - Dragons have been "uniformized", all dragons of similar age (baby, young, etc.) gaining similar abilities and found on similar levels. Similarly, the drakes have been also "uniformized". Also, multi-hued dragons now gain sound, confusion, and shards breaths as well as their previous ones. - Creeping coins/gems have been re-organized according to their value. Creeping Gems have the old Creeping mithril coin abilities, creeping mithril has the strength of creeping admanatite, and adamantite has the powers of the old creeping gems. - Magic mushroom patches are now dark blue (to prevent them from dropping elvish waybread). - Many monsters changed slightly. - Summon Uniques may now summon hi dragons or demons in addition to undead if no unique are available. - Summon hi undead may now summon more types of undead. - Re-organized depths, rarities and experience values for many monsters, hopefully now offering a considerably more streamlined and balanced progression (though there are occasional deliberate spikes in the power graph). Also, there is now at least one non- unique for every dungeon level above 4000' (and no native non-uniques deeper than that). - New monster flag - NEVER_FAIL - monsters with this flag will never fail when casting spells. This flag is given to monsters that cast spells innately, and to several very powerful creatures. - New monster flag - ATTR_MIMIC - monster will be assigned a random color when created, that is legal to its character - i.e., a pile of Creeping Gems will now get a "legal" gem color. It has been given to creeping gems, potion mimics, ring mimics, death/doom swords (which can rarely mimics broken swords, or blades of chaos/stability) and the new book mimics. - New monster flag - DROP_MIMIC - monster will drop an item that has the same character and color as it. Given to all mimics. # stores # - Objects in stores will now be created pre-*identified*; this means that you'll know the random abilities of store-bought ego-items. Items sold to the stores will NOT be *ID*'d. - Known random abilities of ego items will now affect their price - a dagger (+1, +1) (blessed) that offers telepathy will no longer be worth less than a dagger (+1, +2) (blessed) that offers free fall. - Change to the black market, it now will tend to be more "interesting" in the early game, though still dependant on player depth. - The player will know that items he had seen for sale in a store exist. For instance, if the player never saw (in his current character or others on the same savefile) a talisman of force bolts, it will not appear in the object browser. However, if the character does see one in the black market, it will now appear there, but he won't know its flavour (like items seen by his ancestors). # Other Changes # - Changed quest award distributions - they will generally be improved now. - Added a new birth option - "nightmare_mode". It's different from the nightmare modes in other variants, so don't think that if you mastered nightmare Zangband the same skills will work here... - Changed "easy_mode". Reduced the effect on shops, but added a chance to "inflate" items upon created, which means a LOT more good/great objects. Also, in easy mode you'll get easier quests. - The recall depth now appears on the character screen (Patch by Gileba). - The resist page now appears in character dumps (Patch by Gileba). Also, "No Blind" moved from the top of the second column to the bottom of the first one to make room for "luck". - Heavy curses can no longer be broken by enchanting the item. - Two new greater vaults by Chris Weisiger. ## Non-Gameplay Affecting Changes ## - Continued rewriting the monster system. The monster browser, memory, and several other things now function properly (i.e. without the hacks used before). ## Bug fixes ## - Fixed a bug which caused completed quests to "fail" after a while. - The roguelike keyset option is now properly saved. - The spells "resist fire" and "resist cold" were inverted. - From Vanilla: The cheat_know option marks monsters as known even after it's turned off. - From Vanilla: The easy_open option counts doors under the player when determining which door to close. - From Vanilla: Pref files for player races are not loaded automatically. Changes from 0.2.3 to 0.3.0: (Entries marked by '*' have changed since the 0.3.0 beta) ## Gamplay Changes ## - 0.2.3 or older savefiles are not compatible. Also, 0.3.0 savefiles are not guarunteed to be compatible with future versions. # Races/Classes # - New class: Spellsword. They are a "pure" mage/warrior hybrid; unlike rangers they can use all mage books, but on the other hand have none of the ranger's special abilities, and they start gaining spells later (level 5). They are similar in combat skills to paladins. - Hobbits now get intrinsic hold life instead of sustained dexterity. - Mages and rangers now gain a disease resistance spell in a dungeon book. * Some tweaking of early bard spells making them a little easier to start. Also, the bard spell "Aggravation tempo" now asks for confirmation before casting (because you don't want to activate it by mistake). * Several later mage attack spells strengthened. However, magic missile will no longer beam. - Bard and mage invisibility spells now cost more mana. # Stat/abilities # - The effects of stats on spell and mana acquiration is now more gradual - no huge jumps at certain stats. (Taken from Zangband but altered to more closely match the old values). - Gloves and heavy armor no longer provide mana penalties but instead provide penalties to fail rates - gloves provide a major penalty and heavy armor depends on how heavy it is. - Disease weakened - The power level for disease attacks reduced somewhat; disease slowed down a bit; sustain now provides limited protection against disease drain. # Combat # - You can now get extra blows when fighting unarmed (equivalent to a weightless weapon). - Heroism and Berserk rage effects improved. Heroism now gives +15 to hit. Berserk rage gives +15 to hit, +15 damage, 1 extra blow, -25 to ac, disrupts spellcasting, and reduces your saving throws, magic devices, and stealth skills. - Stealth effect on Invisiblity/Monster blindness rewritten. Also, invisibility is now adversly affected by your light radius - the brighter a light you make, the more likely the monster is to spot you (realism would probably dictate having the player walk around lightless in order to be invisible, but that would be unplayable). * Significantly increased the list of monsters that can't be cut to include all those that made no sense - most molds and mushrooms, elementals, vortices, most undead, most golems, creeping coins, and others. To compensate, bleeding has been made more powerful. # Interface # - Added new unified use command option (use_command), taken from Zangband. If turned on, the 'u' key ('Z' for roguelike commands) will work not only for staves but also for actiavations, food, potions, scrolls, wands, rods and talismans. Unlike in Zangband, it will not fire arrows. The unified use command is in the user interface options page and is turned off by default. # Items # Note - several of the changes below were inspired by Johnathan Ellis's edit patches, though often further tweaks were made. * New items: 3 new rods (satisfy hunger, summoning, darkness), 2 new talismans (force bolts, stone-to-mud), 4 new amulets (sustenance, resist water, resistance, infravision), 3 new lanterns (shadows, infravision, telepathy). - A few items have been changed - - Amulet of the Magi made considerably more powerful (as in recent JLE patch). - Wand of wonder can now imitate any wand, including the most powerful ones. - Staff of holiness now cures disease. - Potions of Infravision now provide radius +3 to infravision rather than +1. Their duration, however, has been halved. - A few items have been removed: - 5 wands - disarming, acid balls, lightning balls, fire balls, and cold balls. These abilities are now exclusive to talismans. - 2 rods - sleep monster, slow monster - already on wands and staves, no need for three way to get them. - Dwarven Shovel - too many similar diggers with no real use - Ring of weakness, ring of Stupidity, ring of Slowness - these were totally pointless, as identifying one meant that the rest were junk, and were redundant with negative pval rings. The ration for negative pvals on rings/amulets was raised, so the amount of bad rings of strength shouldn't drop by far from the old total of rings of strength + weakness. - The artifact list has been considerably modified, with an aim of giving more options in the latter game, while removing some of the earlier artifacts to make ego items more attractive. In order to achieve this, many artifacts have changed, some of them changing base types, others gaining new abilities or losing them. Many also change depths and rarities. 9 new artifacts were introduces (7 out of the JLE patch, some of which come from other variants originally), and 8 artifacts were removed. - Ego items have also been altered, the "slay" weapons (not ammo) gain the abilities of the appropriate *slay* weapons, which have been removed (excpet *slay* dragon which was made more powerful). Several other ego-weapons improved as well, while cloaks of kings have been weakened. 3 new ego types were added - Polearms of hacking, blunt weapons of crushing, and gloves of combat (the old gloves of combat are now gloves of power, as per JLE patch). Also, ego items that grant one random ability no longer have an equal chance of each ability, instead a new system takes depth and relative usefulness into account (so harder to find a blessed weapon that gives ESP or Invisiblity early on, while later there won't be many that give slow digestion). - Several of the less powerful item abilities made more useful: - Wielding blessed weapons now also improves chances of critical hits. - Feather fall now prevents gravity attacks from moving you. - The HEALTH and MANA flags will now provide larger bonuses to hp and mana if your stats are high enough (it provides 10 points per pval OR 5% of the relevant stat per pval, whichever is more). - News handling for wands, staves, and rods - - Rods split into rods and talismans (`). Talismans are directional, rods are not. Talismans are invoked by the new 'y' command ('S' in the roguelike keyset). They are also lighter than rods. - A cap has been added on rod/talisman stacking - you can only have 3 rods or 5 talismans in a single stack. - Attack wands and talismans now allow partial failure - which decreases damage. Wands have a lower chance of failure in general than talismans. This should make talismans and wands somewhat more useful to characters with low-mediocre magic devices skill. Rod and staff failure rates not changed. - The damage done by most offensive talismans and wands changed - it is now character level dependant, and will generally be better than before. Wands unaffected are the wand of magic missile, the wand of stinking cloud and the wand of light; neither is the talisman of light. - If the player is stunned, it reduces his chances of success using magic items. - Changed the calculation of what is a "good" item to be more dependant on player depth - early on many items are considered good that later on will not be. # Monsters # - Water hounds are now light blue to prevent confusion with the neighbouring acid hounds. Mana hounds are now violet rather than multi-colour, to prevent confusion with chaos and aether hounds. - "The Great Sentient Treasure" has been renamed "The Hoard". * The "rust monster" has been renamed "corroding monster" as its attacks are really acid attacks. - Giants Mantises are now more powerful. - Bats gain SEE_INVIS and NO_BLIND (since they use sonar rather than sight). # Other Changes # * Changed the way quest failure is calculated - now, once you visit the quest level, you have a chance of failing it whenever you spend time off-level, even in the town or in above it. However, you can't fail it before visiting the quest level at least once. * Nests and Pits now provide different rating bonuses depending on their type and depth - an orc pit down below 1500' will not increase rating, but a demon pit will increase rating up to 5000'. OOD monsters within them still count, of course. Also, time spent in the town no longer counts against the level feeling counter (in other words, if you spend the required 1000 turns on a level and recall out, you'll get a feeling no matter how long you were in town. If you didn't spend enough time in the dungeon and entered town, you won't get a feeling no matter how long you spend there). * Several new nest and pit types: gold and bronze dragon pits, horror nests, and people pits. - Spikes have been completely removed from the game. The 'j'am command has been cancelled. * Added a compile-time option which controls whether haggling exists in the game. It defaults to off, so haggling is no longer officially present in Ey (it will return if and when I can do it right). This results in the (obvious) removal of the "auto_haggle" option. The 10% "sales-tax" no longer exists as such, but the charisma table has been adjusted so most characters will have prices very similar to those they used to get with auto_haggle on. - Artifact knowledge is replaced by a browser, similar to the object/monster browsers. * Added artifact "memory" - now, if you *identify* an artifact, you don't have to *identify* it again in future games to know its abilities, just identify it. Note that this is ignored in the case of randarts, obviously. - Change in the way alchemy knowledge is gained - when drinking potions, you can now only gain info about its components if the component's flavor is already known to you. As compensation, the chances of getting knowledge are now higher. Note that *ID* can still give you unknown components. Also, changed the way the alchemy table is determined to be more balanced. - The "cheat_extra" option removed, having been incorporated into cheat_wizard. - If a character dies in wizard mode (cheat_wizard), upon loading the savefile you will get the tombstone instead of a new character (allowing you to examine its equipment again). Pressing 'w' on the death menu disables wizard mode allowing you to create a new character on the same savefile. - Turning on wizard mode via the command-line argument now turns on all cheat options (except cheat_no_save), to make debugging easier. - Cheat wizard now shows the monster index when looking at monster memory; also, the object and monster browsers show the appropriate indexes. - It is now possible to turn on wizard and fiddle mode on using the .ini file in windows. - Improved ring wielding code; now know more cases in which not to ask. - To prevent over-long names, the mystics books have been renamed "books of mystic lore" instead of "books of mystic teachings". ## Non-Gameplay Affecting Changes ## - Impletemented a two-tier monster system. Uniques now get their abilities from a new u_info.txt file, and have a base monster "race". Currently, this is only partially implemented (uniques can not be based on regular monsters, only on special placeholders), and several aspects of this change have not been implemented (relating to monster memory and graphics). There should currently be no gameplay differences from the old system. - The tvals for soft armor and hard armor combined (now both are 36). Svals for hard armors changed to match. The tvals for helms and crowns combined (now 32). Svals for crowns changed to match. - Cleaned up some code. - Corrected and updated some help files. ## Bug fixes ## * Fixed bug which prevented the creation of OOD ego-items. * Fixed bug which made temporary resist water/disease permanent. * Fixed bug preventing artifacts being generated as quest rewards. - Fixed bug which allowed paladins/rangers to achieve 0% spell failure. - Fixed bug which prevented the creation of randart wizard robes. - Fixed selling of un-identified lanterns. * Lavender potions are now purple, not light green. --------------- For changes to older versions, check the website at